End of Life Services

End Of Life is a process that many people prefer not to talk about until they have to. Unfortunately, it is a subject that many pet owners may eventually have to deal with. Deciding to end a pet’s life is never easy. It is an intensely personal decision that the pet owner can only make. There’s always the question, “how will I know when it’s time?” Your vet will advise you on the options and make a recommendation, but they will not decide for you. There are several situations in which euthanasia is the kindest, most loving choice.

Please discuss with your vet whether or not you wish to be with your pet when it is euthanized. It may be less stressful for your pet to be able to hear a familiar voice.  Knowing that your old friend suffered no pain and met a peaceful end may comfort you.  However, if you are frightened or anxious, your pet may sense this and become upset.

Remember that everyone is different, and there is no right or wrong way to deal with this situation.  It is what you feel is best for you.

Cremation services are provided; there is a choice of a non-private cremation with no return of ashes or a private cremation after which your pet’s ashes will be returned to you.

Pets are part of the family, and it’s normal to grieve.  Grief and even feelings of guilt are sometimes experienced. People grieve in different ways. There are no hard and fast rules.

Be aware that other pets in the family also frequently grieve for the loss of their companion.  They exhibit their grief by a lack of appetite, loss of desire to play, or a mild lethargy. These behaviors should be mild and short-lived. Be sure to contact PoCo West Animal Hospital to assure there’s not a medical reason involved.

What happens if my pet dies unexpectedly at home? If this happens, contact us, and we will gladly arrange services for you.

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Contact Us

PoCo West Animal Hospital,
108-2748 Lougheed Hwy, Port Coquitlam BC V3B 6P2
Email: pocowestvet@gmail.com
Working Hours: Mon - Sat / 08:00 - 17:30, Sunday / 09:00 - 17:00
Call directly:
+1 604-554-1255